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Upcoming Meetings

Our next regular monthly meeting will be held Thursday, February 13 2024 at the Cayce Tennis Center. Our speaker this month will be CAG member Ed Shmunes. See our blog for more information.

Monthly meeting information is also available on our calendar page.

Our February newsletter is available – please check it out for information about our exciting spring plans.


The Cayce Arts Guild supports a vibrant arts community centered in Cayce for citizens of the Midlands to learn about, participate in, and enjoy art.

Cayce Arts Guild members are local artists and community members who support our mission.

Please see the Calendar page for more details about each upcoming Guild meeting. The general format is:

      • 6 PM social/networking
      • 6:30 business meeting followed by a featured speaker

We are always looking for members to speak about their art for future programs.

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