Our Mission
Cayce Arts Guild’s (CAG) mission is to generate and support a vibrant arts community centered in Cayce for citizens of the Midlands to learn about, participate in, and enjoy art.
Who Are We?
Cayce Arts Guild members are local artists and community members who support our mission.
Artists in all creative media are welcome. This includes, but is certainly not limited to: drawing, painting, printmaking, ceramics/clay, sculpture, photography, digital media, creative writing, music, theatre, filmmaking, fiber arts, culinary arts, game and app design, and even home crafts such as knitting, crochet and scrapbooking.
CAG is a SC Secretary of State incorporated non-profit and IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.
What We Do
CAG meets typically on the second Thursday of each month except June, July, and August. Each meeting provides an opportunity to network with other artists, be informed about business of the Guild, and learn from an arts-oriented program.
In addition to meetings, CAG maintains rotating exhibits at local business where member artists can show and sell their work. Also, each year CAG holds a Holiday Market, providing more opportunities for exhibition and sales. December 2020 was our third market and the most successful to date, in spite of the pandemic! CAG members are grateful for the support of many individuals, organizations, and businesses.
Here on this site, our members are listed on our Our Members page, and may have a Member Profile. Premium membership includes a Member Page with an artist bio and a small gallery of work.
CAG is actively working with the City of Cayce to develop the Cayce Arts District along State and Frink Streets.
We are open to new, creative ways to promote our mission, so if you have ideas of your own, we’d love to hear them.
Current Board Members
President Renea Eshleman
Vice President Sandra Courie
Secretary Katty Hite
Treasurer/Membership JJ Burton
Programs Trudith Dyer
Webmaster Ann Kinsinger
At-Large David Phillips
At-Large Margie Shelburg
At-Large Roy Paschal
To contact any board member, please use the form on the Connect page.
How We Got Started – Some History
With encouragement from Cayce Mayor Elise Partin, John and Venetia Sharpe rallied several artists who live and make art in the Cayce area. The group, in addition to the Sharpes, included Charles Hite, Skip Willits, Renea Eshleman, and Mayor Partin. With input from others in the community, the Sharpes incorporated Arts Initiative of the Midlands (AIM) as a non-profit organization.
The July 23, 2016, inaugural event was a one-day event on the grounds of Sharpe Creations on Frink Street.
In February 2017, the founders decided to abandon the AIM name and incorporate as Cayce Art Guild. The first rotating exhibit was established in March 2017, at Henry’s of Cayce, 2108 State Street, Cayce.
In an effort to move CAG forward, City of Cayce officials, under the direction of Mayor Partin, worked with Renea Eshleman to schedule a meeting with area artists. On July 24, 2018, twenty artists and others interested in the arts community plus Mayor Partin and several City staff members met at Swatch Graphics and discussed the organization and established a path to move forward.
Artists and representatives of art organizations and area businesses attended organizational meetings on August 28 and September 11, 2018, at the Cayce Fitness and Wellness Center. Officers were elected to move the organization forward. Officers were Renea Eshleman, president; Gwen Wilson, vice president; Charles Hite, treasurer/membership; Sandra Courie, secretary/hospitality/programs; Skip Willits, exhibits and shows; and Katty Hite, at large. The Board, with input from members, determined the format and schedule for monthly meetings except June, July, and August. In November 2018 Shara Attales volunteered to serve as public relations/fundraising on the Board in addition to Miranda Attales to serve as website administrator.
In November 2018 the Board members moved forward with renting a post office box, changing the name to Cayce Arts Guild (adding “s” to Art), opening a bank account, obtaining a sales tax license, purchasing a web site, and registering with the IRS as a 501c3.
CAG held its first holiday market in December 2018, at 1803 State Street, Cayce, and the second in 2019 with the assistance of a City of Cayce Hospitality Tax Grant.