We are pleased that Still Hopes Episcopal Retirement Community has invited CAG members to show their work during February and March.
Take-in is scheduled for Saturday, January 30, 3-5 PM. The show will accommodate two-dimensional work (no three-D). Those eligible to participate must be a member by January 20, so get your membership renewed and make art to enter! Entry fee is $20 for one, two, or three pieces. If we have more entries than the space can accommodate, we will return one piece to the artist. We’ll be asking for help with the show, so BE READY to volunteer to work at take-in to process entries, contact potential award sponsors, make wall display cards and entries list, prepare PowerPoint file with entries and information to convert to JPEGS for publicity.
The prospectus is available on the For Members page.
Contact Renea Eshleman ((803) 767-5505 reshleman@sc.rr.com) if you have any questions or are able to help with any of the following:
- Contacting potential award sponsors
- Processing at take-in
- Developing spreadsheet of entries
- Formatting and printing wall display cards
- Formatting and printing list of entries
- Processing at take-down